"Free E-book Series" Reflecting JESUS' Weekly Devotional
I must say this book is the most fulfilling project ever encountered. Because when writing, I felt the touch of the Holy Spirit near. Every word from my mind was placed methodically on paper. thank God for this kind of inspiration. The motivator for writing Reflecting Jesus Devotional was a devotional named, (A Diary Of Private Prayer, by John Baillie, D.D., S.T.D., LL.D. Professor of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh; Chaplain to the King. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953.) The neatest section in this book has a blank page after each chapter, so the reader can write their thoughts, to reflect on what the author mentioned. Those blank pages are where the Reflecting Jesus Devotional was started. Since, John Baillie, helped me with the collection you are about to read; I decided to add four of his poems. There will also be poems & songs from Dale L. Tiry, & Me. I was surprised even though this devotional is being submitted in chronological order. This work seems naturally organized in the way the Lord intended. I pray this book will be an encouragement, used for family, devotions, or alone. Sincerely, Bryan Guras -Content- (Reflecting Jesus Devotional: Section 1 - 28 Reflection Notes Section 1-28 Songs by Me & Dale L. Tiry Sheet music 1. No Regrets 2. He called her Name) Reflecting Jesus Devotional: Section 1 - Devotion To God! Devotion to God is Man’s highest precipice. Devotion to God gives us a reason to live abundantly. Devotion to God is not something we can obtain on our own might or forced ambition. Devotion to God lowers me to lift up Jesus. Devotion to God comes from the deepest chambers of our hearts, and souls. Devotion to God is bought by the ultimate Price of Calvary. Devotion to God should be thought of as our most valuable sacred gift. Devotion to God doesn’t give place to the devil. Devotion to God won’t waver at the first sign of trouble. Devotion to God realizes God’s kingdom should be in the first place. Devotion to God sees the value of time. Devotion to God walks on a narrow path to heaven, instead of a wide way to hell. Devotion to God shares the good news with those who are lost, and who can be found. Devotion to God is the heart of Jesus' purpose for us before He comes again. Amen! 1 Corinthians 6:20; (All scripture is NKJV.) "For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which is God’s.” Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which Strengthens me.” Colossians 3:17, “Whatsoever you do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Devotion to God is vital to living a successful spiritual life. We must rely on Jesus, 100% of the time. As if loyalty to God The Father is our only source of life. Our experience with God really never grows cold, there is no such thing as being bored when following Jesus. There is always something to do for God. Christ gives us a reason to live. Through Him, we’re an abundant Christian reflection of all we influence. To have devotion to God; He must be first. Jesus gives us holy happiness and contentment. Stay devoted to the King of Kings, our Lord of Lords, in every way... Why be solely reliant on people or the world? When you can have full access to the Savior of the world! Why settle for less?
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